The primary purpose of Healing Flames Forge is to give veterans, first responders, front-line workers, and others a place to relieve stress. It is a place where people can meet others with similar experiences and interests, build friendships and bonds, and turn frustrations into positive, creative energy.
While designated Arts Education for business purposes, Healing Flames Forge is not a blacksmith school. We don’t teach people to be blacksmiths, rather, we use basic blacksmith tools and techniques to provide a therapeutic environment. If participation in structured sessions sparks an interest in blacksmithing, bladesmithing, or farrier work in participants, that is an extra benefit of the program, and we will encourage further skill development.
Healing Flames Forge will support and facilitate development of those skills, motivated by a desire to preserve an ancient, dying craft. There is no fee for participation; all project material*, tools, and personal protective equipment (PPE)** are provided by Healing Flames Forge.
*All projects made by participants are take-home items.
**Tools and PPE are not take-home items; all tools and PPE remain in the smithy.